The Academy of Biblical Masculinity

Week 1:
Introduction to Biblical Masculinity

Welcome and Program Overview

Welcome to our 10-week journey towards becoming the spiritual alpha males God has called us to be. Over the next 10 weeks, we'll dive deep into what it means to be a biblical man, tackling issues from addictions to relationships, and building a brotherhood that will support and edify each other.

Each week, you'll receive written material to study and reflect on. We'll have a weekly group call every Thursday at 9pm Eastern for brotherhood, edification, and Q&A. Our group text chat will be available for daily check-ins, questions, and encouragement.

Our primary goal is to transform from spiritually weak to spiritually strong men of God. By the end of this program, you'll have the confidence to fulfill your role as a spiritual leader, rooted in biblical principles.

Understanding Biblical Masculinity

Biblical masculinity is about reflecting the character of Christ in our lives. Unlike cultural masculinity, which often emphasizes physical strength and dominance, biblical masculinity is about leadership, integrity, humility, and compassion.

Key Characteristics:

  • Leadership: Leading with a servant's heart.
  • Integrity: Living a life that aligns with God's Word.
  • Humility: Placing others' needs above our own.
  • Strength: Being strong in faith and character.
  • Compassion: Showing love and kindness to others.

Biblical Examples:

  • David: A man after God's own heart who led Israel with integrity (1 Samuel 13:14).
  • Joseph: Demonstrated unwavering faith and integrity, even in difficult circumstances (Genesis 39-41).
  • Jesus: The ultimate example of biblical masculinity, embodying all the key characteristics (Philippians 2:5-8).

The Role of a Spiritual Alpha Male

A spiritual alpha male is a leader who guides others spiritually, setting an example through his relationship with God and his actions.


  • Spiritual Strength: Deep knowledge of and commitment to God's Word.
  • Leadership: Guiding family and community in biblical principles.
  • Strong Relationship with God: Prioritizing prayer and personal devotion.

Practical Application:

  • Daily Prayer and Devotion: Set aside time each day for prayer and Bible study.
  • Serving Others: Look for opportunities to serve in your church and community.
  • Mentorship: Find a mentor and seek to mentor others in their faith journey.

Personal Reflection and Goal Setting

Take some time to reflect on your current spiritual state. Consider areas where you feel strong and areas where you need growth.

Write down your goals for the next 10 weeks. Be specific about what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there

Accountability is crucial. Share your goals with the group, and we'll support each other in staying on track.

Weekly Devotional: The Foundation of Biblical Manhood

Read 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Reflection Questions:

  • What does it mean to you to stand firm in the faith?
  • How can you show courage and strength in your daily life?
  • What are some practical ways you can be both strong and loving?